Arsha Vidyalayam Annur, Payyannur

Arsha Vidyalayam
Annur Road, Payyanur, Kerala 670307

ആർഷ വിദ്യാ നികേതൻ, ആർഷ വിദ്യാലയം,, അന്നൂർ, പയ്യന്നൂർ

Medium should be a Message

Courtesy:- Renjith CK ( self)

*ഈ കഴിഞ്ഞ ദിവസങ്ങളിൽ മാദ്ധ്യമങ്ങൾ ആവശ്യത്തിലേറേ “പുകഴ്ത്തി ” കൊഴുപ്പിക്കുന്ന “ജോളിയായ് ” ആഘോഷിക്കുന്ന ക്രിമിനൽ കേസ്, യുക്തിപരമായി ആലോചിച്ചാൽ ,*
*_5 – ആമത്തെ പേജിൽ മാത്രം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിക്കേണ്ടുന്ന ഒന്നാണ്._*

*അക്ഷരം കൂട്ടി വായിക്കുന്ന പ്രായത്തിലുള്ള കുട്ടികൾക്ക് ഈ ദിവസങ്ങളിലെ ദിന പത്രങ്ങൾ നൽകാൻ സാധിക്കില്ല.*

*_മനുഷ്യത്വരാഹിത്യത്തിന്റെ ഉദാഹരണമായ ഈ വാർത്ത കുട്ടികളുടെ വളരുന്ന മേധയിൽ നിറക്കുന്നത് , മരണകാരണമായ കൊടും വിഷത്തിന്റെ ആധികാരികമായ അറിവും അളവുമാണ്._*

*_മനുഷ്യത്വരഹിതമായ കൊലകളെക്കാൾ ഹീനമായ പാതകമാണ് , പപ്പരാസി പത്രപ്രവർത്തനത്തിന്റെ ദല്ലാളർ നിർവഹിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നത്._*

*സമൂഹമാദ്ധ്യമങ്ങൾ ഉത്തരവാദിത്തത്തോടെ വിരൽ തുമ്പു കളിൽ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്ന നമ്മളെ പോലുള്ളവർ കുറഞ്ഞത് ഇത്തരം വാർത്തകൾ ട്രോളാതെ, ഫോർവേർഡ് ചെയ്യാതെ പ്രതിബദ്ധത കാണിക്കുക -*

Pearls from Thirukkural

Tirukkural by Tiruvalluvar ( a Tamil poet/writer) was written more than 5000 yrs ago. It’s one of the ancient science on Human behaviour, which has not changed inspite of modern education & technology !

1. If your child lies to you often, it is because you over-react too harshly to their inappropriate behaviour.

2. If your child is not taught to confide in you about their mistakes, you’ve lost them.

3. If your child had poor self-esteem, it is because you advice them more than you encourage them.

4. If your child does not stand up for themselves, it is because from a young age you have disciplined them regularly in public.

5. If your child takes things that do not belong to them, it is because when you buy them things, you don’t let them chose what they want.

6. If your child is cowardly, it is because you help them too quickly.

7. If your child does not respect other people’s feelings, it is because instead of speaking to your child, you order and command them.

8. If your child is too quick to anger, it is because you give too much attention to misbehaviour and you give little attention to good behaviour.

9. If your child is excessively jealous, it is because you only congratulate them when they successfully complete something and not when they improve at something even if they don’t successfully complete it.

10. If your child intentionally disturbs you, it is because you are not physically affectionate enough.

11. If your child is openly defiant, it is because you openly threaten to do something but don’t follow through.

12. If your child is secretive, it is because they don’t trust that you won’t blow things out of proportion.

13. If your child talks back to you, it is because they watch you do it to others and think its normal behaviour.

14. If your child doesn’t listen to you but listens to others, it is because you are too quick to jump to conclusions

15. If your child rebels it is because they know you care more about what others think than what is right

Tag that are significantly helpful

​Online,distance,learning,,Degree,M. B.A, Business,Administration,Distance,

 education ,programme ,programming ,bprogrammes 


Key Features

Adjustable Swing With Wider Fan Angle

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Ideal For Home, Office And Outdoor Use
Degree ,degrees,first, strategy,Imdia,India,new, Nileshwaram,nileshwar, Kaavu,Mannampurath, Mannanpurath, Thaliyil,N Neelakandheshwara,Renjith Krishnan, renjiveda, Krishnadathan, Chaalakkunnath illam,

Anganvaady Krishnadathan

Dropped pin

A nice abode for children of the age between three and six. Anganvaady throughout the state have a major role in the basic and pre school level training of kids.

Starting our stay at “ShreeRenjini” near ” Mannanpurath kaavu” had the basic aim to provide Krishnadathan , a congenial environment for early nourishment.

This Quarters owned by Late Kunjiramettan ( KunjiRaaman) , known among Nileshwarians as Supriya KunjiRaaman, is very near to Mannanpurath kaavu. From the Quarters, it’s only one kilometre to the Anganvaady.

Knowledge is Fire

Every place of education, is considered as “Saraswathi Ksherta” (Temple of Goddess Saraswathi – the goddess of Learning) , in accordance with Indian Wisdom or “Sanaathana Dharma”.

So, this Anganvaady too is a Temple of Saraswathi, litting the Kindle of Wisdom in the hearts of growing children.

We admire the great task undertaken by the teachers of Anganvaady. Apart from teaching and caring little children, they prepare food for them, and also carry out various village level development activities of Government. Though not well paid for the hard work the Anganvaady teachers are doing, they perform the altruistic deeds selflessly.

Ways to Respect your children and ways to know them in a better way.

27 Ways to Respect your children and ways to know them in a better way.


Every parent Must read:

1. Put away your phone in their presence.

2. Pay attention to what they are saying.

3. Accept their opinions and point of view.

4. Engage in their          

5. Look at them with respect.


6. Always praise them.

7. Share good news with them.

8. Speak well of their friends and loved ones to them.

9. Keep in remembrance the good things they did.

10. If they repeat a story, listen like it’s the first time they tell it.

11. Don’t bring up painful
memories from the past.

12. Avoid side conversations in their presence.


13. Don’t belittle/criticize their opinions and thoughts.

14. Respect their age.

15. Avoid cutting them off when they speak.

16. Give them the power of 
leadership when they are present.

17. Avoid raising your voice at them.

18. Avoid walking in front or
ahead of them.


19. Fill them with ur
appreciation even when
they don’t think they
deserve it. (Most Imp. one)

20. Avoid putting your feet up in front of them or sitting with your back to them.

21. Don’t speak ill of them  to the point where others
speak ill of them too.

22. Keep them in your prayers as much as possible.

23. Avoid seeming bored or
tired of them in their

24. Avoid laughing at their
faults / mistakes.

25. Choose your words carefully when speaking with them.

26. Call them by names they like.

27. Make them your priority
above anything n everything…

Children are parents treasure and their most precious gift on this land

They must have seen the world lesser than you but they see it in a different way which you need to appreciate

Listen to them and try giving them as much time as you can.

These moments are more precious than anything in this world…

Parenting is an art not a job

Abnormal IVF embryos can now be predicted within 30 hours of development – ScienceAlert


13 Reasons You Should Be Having More Sex, According To Science

Sex non linear

3 Reasons You Should Be Having More Sex, According To Science

Sex is great, and even science agrees. Whether you’re looking for a workout or a way to appear younger, look no further than getting your rocks off.  


Orgasms increase blood flow to all parts of the brain, and researchers say they’re better mental exercise than a crossword. 

Sex love


Sex releases DHEA, a natural steroid that keeps you looking young. 

Studies have found that couples who have sex at least three times a week look more than 10 years younger than those who do not.


According to Dr Jennie Leslie, sex can be used to relieve period symptoms. Muscle contractions that occur during climax relieve tension in the muscles of the uterus. Meaning lighter, shorter periods.

Love sex

Researchers at Columbia and Stanford also found that women who have sex at least once a week have more regular and predictable menstrual cycles.

Vaginal stimulation has been found to block chronic back pain, leg pain, and even headaches. 


The surge of hormones is also linked to pain relief. “A study conducted at the Headache Clinic at Southern Illinois University found that half of female migraine sufferers reported relief after climaxing,” reports Women’s Health Magazine.

Studies have determined that regular sex is good for your skin.
Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, co-director of the Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery in Washington, DC, toldLifestyle Mirror that “Regular sex increases blood flow and decreases stress hormones in the body, and those stress hormones wreak havoc on the skin.”

Intimate sex


Dr Debby Herbenick found that morning sex boosts your mood and immune system for the rest of the day – better than a cup of coffee ever would. 

Intimate Love


People who regularly have penile-vaginal intercourse have lower blood pressure than those who do not.

I care you


Oxytocin, the hormone responsible for creating feelings of love, is elevated in men after sex. With elevated levels of oxytocin, studies have shown that men are less likely to want to stray from their partners.

Sex Sex Sex

So, sex literally drives men to be more committed to a relationship. 


The more a man ejaculates, the lower his risk of getting prostate cancer. 

One study showed that men who have had more than 20 sexual partners in their lifetime are up to 28% less likely to get prostate cancer.


Sex could prevent the common cold. 

It boosts the body’s levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which can protect you from colds and flu. 


Sex is considered moderate exercise and burns four calories per minute for men and three per minute for women. 

Love love love
Sexual Strength

It’s the equivalent of playing double’s tennis or walking uphill. 


One study found that for hours after an orgasm, a woman’s gait changes into one that is taller and more confident than normal.


Men who have sex regularly are 45% less likely to develop life-threatening heart conditions.

Beauty of Sex
Sex is more than food
Sex is more than exercise
Light of Sex

Very few of my Interests


























V.K.K. Tailors Chirappuram

V.K.K. Tailors Chirappuram

V.K.K. Tailors Chirappuram